Monday, October 20, 2008

Darn, he must have missed.......

This is an optical illusion

Back on March 25th, as Buenos Aires protested the hike in taxes that the government was trying impose on its agro boyz, there was a confrontation between pro and anti agro demostrators in the main Plazo de Mayo square. During the confrontation the Kirchners' favourite attack dog, the nasty piece of shit known to the world as Luis D'Elia, was photographed doing this to a certain Alejandro Gahan (I posted on the incident at the time).

Once the whole thing had died down, Gahan decided to press charges against D'Elia for "lesiones leves" (literally 'light wounds", a offence similar to 'actual bodily harm'). Well today judgement was passed, and D'Elia has had all charges dropped againts him by the beak. The funny thing is the reason given; according to the judges there is no proof that D'Elia hurt Gahan.

No proof? Let's have a quick look at that photo again, shall we? So a big cheer for the independent judiciary system of the Republic of Argentina and don't listen to anyone who says that the judges are bought and paid for by the Kirchner regime.