Sunday, October 19, 2008

Snippets from Argentina

Full house for River/Boca today

In Cordoba, Renault has just announced 600 job losses at its auto plant. Fiat also has a plant in the same city but doesn't expect any job cuts "before Christmas". With that kind of announcement what happens in January 2009 is almost written in stone.

Today is Argentina's Mother's Day, and sales in this traditional big retail sales week are reported to be 10% down on last year. Flatscreen TVs are selling ok, but at a 30% to 40% discount to ticket price.

If you thought the friction between los Kirchner and their Vice President Julio Cobos had died down, think again. Via the Cabinet Chief, the government today called Cobos "a pedant and and egoist" today for not supporting the party line.

UPDATE: Just don't talk to me about futbol today.