Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday Dance-Out: Calle 13; Baile De Los Pobres

Blowing away the cobwebs of another grotty market day, LatAm's hottest new band and their new album is just great great great and getting mountains of airtime Chez Otto.

And now, a quick Spanish lesson:

Title: Baile de los pobres = The dance of the poor people
Line One literal translation: "No tengo mucha plata pero tengo cobre" = "I don't have much silver but I have copper"
Line One real translation (taking into account Spanish slang): "No tengo mucha plata pero tengo cobre" = "I don't have much money but I'm vulgar".

Dedicated to reader 'RB', who likes his Indian fusion music (but i bet he's never heard it fused with Cumbia)