Monday, April 4, 2011

Peru's final polls

Yesterday, April 3rd, was the last day polls could be published in Peru for the Presidential election coming up next weekend. Here's an excerpt of yesterday's subscriber weekly IKN100 with two charts and a small snippet of the text that accompanied:

So to finish off, two things to note. Firstly, these two charts sum up the whole basket of polls that have appeared this weekend in Peru (by law, no pollster is allowed to publish in Peru after today April 3rd, so that’s why there such a rush now). The first chart shows how the six main pollsters gauge the scenario (we’ve left out some of the obviously biased polls such as IDICE or the polls published in non-reliable media such as El Expreso):

With those in front of you, this next chart gives you an easier-to-read average of the six polls as seen above.

Clearly, Ollanta Humala is now in a clear lead and looks set for round two. The battle is for second spot and (continues)