Saturday, October 4, 2008

Man arrested on corruption charges, Geneva Convention smashed to bits, Red Cross packages needed a.s.a.p

Baduel shows off his expertise at "scissors, stone, paper"

Some dude name Baduel got arrested in Venezuela. To jog memories, this is an army guy who supported Chávez for a long time (and according to urban legend was a key figure in saving Chávez in the coup d'etat of 2002), but has since turned against Hugo and become a vociferous opposer. General Raul Isaias Baduel (for it is he) is being charged with corruption (the investigation has been going on for quite some time), but with a ton of non-surprise it's being made into a political prisoner police state human rights story by the anti-Chávez brigade.

Let's see what kind of evidence is stacked against the guy before rushing to judgement, because the rabid right is populated by some real nutbars who just want trouble at any cost. Relax....breathe deeply....don't believe the hype on either side....lotus position...ommmmmm. Worth noting that he's out on bail already (though not allowed to leave the country). Not exactly Lubianka detention centre style, is it?

Is that Blue Steel or El Tigre, Yon?

In other news, the ridiculous Yon Goicochea has made headlines because of a temper tantrum he threw about having his passport photocopied "BY AUTHORITIES" as he entered the country this week (nice to have the money to travel, Yon). This one made me laugh out loud as I tried to remember just how many times my own passport has been photocopied in the last decade or so by 'authorities' over the length and breadth of LatAm. I'd guess it'd be in the hundreds of times without a second's hesitation. This Yon guy really and truly needs to grow the f*** up for once.