Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bolivia: Democracy, doctorates and destruction

Evo not wearing a chunky sweater

Quote of the day goes to Evo Morales while accepting his honourary doctorate at the National University of Panama last night.

"Is is so difficult for some families to understand that we all have the same rights and the same duties?"

Well, obviously it is difficult. In a press conference held last Sunday an organization called the Coordinator of Santa Cruz Ethnic Peoples (CPESC) reported that on Thursday September 11th, while the the massacre of Pando was in full swing, a group of racist scum attacked their central offices in the city of Santa Cruz. Once they had stolen all they could, they returned the night of the 12th and set about destroying the contents and the building itself. This is what was left after two days of their handiwork.

It begs the question: How can an organized group of vandals spend hours doing this to a building in a large city without the intervention of local authorities and the police force? Also, in the press release, the ringleaders of the attack are clearly named but not one has even been questioned by the Santa Cruz authorities, let alone arrested. If ever you needed proof of the complete ignorance of the rule of law and total disrespect of democracy in Santa Cruz, this is it.