So let's just re-cap on Guido Alejandro Antonini Wilson a moment, shall we? According to the image, information, spin, image-grooming and all other things suchlike, we're basically being fed the following story:
1) Antonini is a Chávez bagman caught carrying PdVSA slush fund money into Argentina
2) The money was being given to the Kirchners to finance their election campaign
3) The money came on Chávez's orders and travelled with a whole posse of pro-Chávez & Kirchner people.
4) After he was caught, this guy who was tight with the Chávez gov't and money mob turns against his boss for the sake of his family, became an informer for the US Feds and betrays former close friends, PdVSA officials and the Venezuelan government in return for immunity and protection in the USA.
Does that sound about right? Well, what if I were to tell you that
1) Antonini is a Chávez bagman caught carrying PdVSA slush fund money into Argentina
2) The money was being given to the Kirchners to finance their election campaign
3) The money came on Chávez's orders and travelled with a whole posse of pro-Chávez & Kirchner people.
4) After he was caught, this guy who was tight with the Chávez gov't and money mob turns against his boss for the sake of his family, became an informer for the US Feds and betrays former close friends, PdVSA officials and the Venezuelan government in return for immunity and protection in the USA.
Does that sound about right? Well, what if I were to tell you that
- Antonini is not some sort of hired bagman for the Chávez government, but in fact a multimillionaire hotel owner in Miami with a stable of very expensive cars to his name.
- Antonini is close friends with Carlos Andres Perez (aka CAP) the ex-Venezuelan president who hates Chávez and famously said he wants him to 'die like a dog'.
- Antonini hates Chávez as well, calls him "a disgrace" and predicted the coup d'etat in 2002 by saying just weeks before it took place that "Chávez won't last. He's going to fall soon. We're going to bring him down."
- And when he said 'We', he obviously meant it. This because when the other person put forward counter-arguments about Venezuelan army loyalty etc, Antonini Wilson said "Remember what I say. We're taking Chávez down. He's going to finish in jail."
The explosive story about the time the acclaimed and respected Peruvian author Jaime Bayly met Guido Antonini Wilson was published by the author in January this year. Bina at News of the Restless has done an excellent job of translating it into English and the link is right here. Kudos, Bina.
If you only link through from this site to one LatAm political story this year, make it this one. This is required reading for anyone remotely interested in the case, and is ample evidence to show that the whole Miami trial is some sort of circus cooked up by those wishing to discredit the governments of Argentina and Venezuela. Here's the link again, just in case. Now go read it. Unmissable. Once you do you'll know that you're being lied to.
If you only link through from this site to one LatAm political story this year, make it this one. This is required reading for anyone remotely interested in the case, and is ample evidence to show that the whole Miami trial is some sort of circus cooked up by those wishing to discredit the governments of Argentina and Venezuela. Here's the link again, just in case. Now go read it. Unmissable. Once you do you'll know that you're being lied to.