What is it with you guys up there? Can't you find another source of intelligence on Ecuador than this blog? I mean, I didn't mind so much how you Kinross-y people kept hitting this site while the Aurelian buyout was in full swing, but since that died down you would have thought a snarky little corner of cyberspace like this wouldn't be of much interest to a multi-mega squillion goldmine dude like yourself. But no! Every time I so much as mention the word Ecuador the site gets hit half a dozen times by people from your head office.
So here we go with my list of questions, Tye.
1) Are you reading me, your minions, or maybe a combo of the two?
2) You've been talking a lot about your "on the ground intelligence" in Ecuador (like at Denver the other day...nice speech, BTW). If that's based on this blog, you guys are in serious trouble cos what I write here is about 25% of what I know.
3) If things are so interesting here, how about you sponsor the site with and advert or something? Or better still, just send me money. You know it makes sense.
4) And what is it with the gold-coloured ties anyway?
It'd be great to hear from you, and maybe you can just cut out the middleman who's been feeding you all the Ecuador intel this way (or in other words, fire the guy who's been parrotting my posts to you all this time and pay me half his salary). Feel free to mail me at otto.rock1 (AT) gmail (DOT) com, Tye*. Or just go straight for the Paypal button. Have a nice day now, y'hear?
*tye...tie....gold....gold....Ahhhh!! I get it!