Incakola's brand new
"NO B.S." fundamental analysis service for investors, "Otto's NOBS", was launched this weekend. Get full details of how the service works by
clicking this link right here or on the logo on the right of the page, and make sure you pick up your
totally free copy of the report on Andina Minerals (ADM.v) that shows what you can expect from the service. The free, no-strings-attached report is available on the link above, or you can go directly to the
report by clicking right here. The other option is mail me and I'll send you the free report by return.
I hope you take advantage of the free report to get a feeling for what the NOBS service can offer you. Service enquiries welcome at my email...
otto.rock1 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
...where I'll gladly answer any question you might have. Thank you for your attention.