Saturday, September 13, 2008

Good weekend reading from respected bruddasites*

Abiding in Bolivia is on steroids! No point in linking just one of El Duderino's posts in the last 48 hours because they're all top notch. Here's the front page link; go read 'em all and keep bang up to date with what's happening in Bolivia.

Sapitos de la Noche does us all a great favour by reminding us that most of the time Venezuela isn't some sort of intense political hotbed. It's just a normal place, with normal people doing normal things. My stars this dude can write well.

Jurgen Schuldt makes it plain as plain can be that Peru's headline inflation figure is a total crock, and the issue is now a serious problem for the vast majority of his country.

The Mex Files raises conscience on just how bad the recent spate of hurricane activity has been for the Caribbean. Sure Galveston will be your headline word this week, but behind the headlines there's death and damage on the islands with no money for repairs. You can help.

In Colombia, you can be found innocent of a crime and still be held in prison to be tried again for the same crime, even when the court that judges you has no legal power over your case and even the prosecution says that house arrest would be just fine. CAJA tells you all.

Memory in Latin America keeps track of the important but (outside the country) under-reported Fujimori trial. Lillie does her usual great job.

As for Venezuelan politics, borev is the greatest. As always.

And as for us stock market investors, absorbing Don Coxe's 'Basic Points' is perhaps the most profitable reading we can do this weekend. Here's the link again, just in case you missed it yesterday.

*and sistasites lillie