Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Post Labor Day drop: it had to happen

...or at least it was always a strong possibility.

Gustav missed and oil continues to unwind. The combo of words "demand concerns" are wheeled out at the right moment (a strange 180° turnaround from the accelerating US GDP number of last week, but let's not dwell on the silliness when we have arch-stupidity to examine).

The result is more fuel for the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists that left over 70 comments under my two SeekingAlpha posts last week and tried anything to discredit the arguments offered without actually addressing the issues. Gotta laugh. Live free or die, dudes*.

Anyway, I'm rambling, but also kind of excited to see today's plummet. Thats cos I'm carrying cash and getting ready to buy things. This is where I want to buy copper exposure.....

.....and it's close to where I want to get gold exposure, too. U$780 would be nice again....

Meanwhile, the observant among you will note that I moved the furniture around a bit Chez Otto last night. The Adsense blocks have been demoted to sit between the posts. You now have no excuse not to sign up for one of the free magazines offered by the two links above and the two below on the right. I've also brought the Fortuna Silver and Seinest ads into view a little more, and I hope you take time out to visit them; two excellent companies.

*To live free, leave the USA. But then life gets uncomfortable, doesn't it? Discuss.