Thursday, September 11, 2008

Breaking: Venezuela kicks out US Ambassador to Venezuela

One of these people is P. Duddy, the other isn't

Fifteen minutes ago, Hugo Chávez ordered the US ambassador to Venezuela, Patrick Duddy, to leave the country in the next 72 hours. The move in apparently in support on Bolivia's move to kick out the US ambassador to Bolivia (as reported here yesterday).

Chávez said, "The Yankee ambassador in Caracas has 72 hours from this moment to leave Venezuela, in solidarity with Bolivia and the Bolivian people." He also said, "That's enough shit from you, Yankees" (kinda of true to form), and said that he was also recalling the Venezuelan ambassador to the USA.

This is...errr.....big news.

this is now being reported on Bloomberg wire service

UPDATE 2: here's a Reuters Spanish Language link to the story.

UPDATE 3: It's all over the English-speaking press now, so this will be the last update. But here's the youtube of Chávez tonight telling the crowd about his decision to expel the US ambassador.